Sunday, October 24, 2010

Final CSA Baskets #'s 18 & 19

Our final two weeks worth of garden produce were delivered this last Friday. With the killing frosts taking our gardens earlier than normal, we are quite pleased that the hardier greens and winter storage veggies were available in ample supply to fill the baskets.

It was a challenge to come up with ideas to add to each basket, but we trust that it is also reasonable & pleasurable as well as being sustenance for your families.

The fresh ground organic whole wheat flour is a staple at our house. If you have never used whole wheat, give it a try with the bag that was added to your baskets. Be sure to store unused flour in the fridge or freezer as the fresh ground flour is susceptible to going rancid. Be sure to notice the two recipes that I posted earlier for Chiffon Cake & Buttermilk Whole Wheat Waffles.

The cherries are great fresh frozen, in smoothies or made into sauce and used in recipes some of which are also posted earlier.

Our twins picked up the pinecones earlier in summer & bagged them to add to the basket for you to enjoy in the upcoming Christmas holiday season.

The thyme plant can be kept indoor for the winter providing your family with this aromatic fresh herb. Then plant it outdoors in the spring to let it grow & thrive in a little spot on your yard. It is a perennial so it will keep on giving great flavor & health!

Finally, the bag of potatoes should help to feed you families for a while yet. Hopefully it makes up for another basket worth. We do not have storage for root vegetables ... yet! So we shared it with you.

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