Thursday, August 4, 2011

Two Weeks ago

So, you noticed a lack of postings lately?

Life has been crazy busy 'round here. It has slowed down a bit since the chickens are now all in freezers, but the hot dry weather of July has been intense.

Chickens do not like the heat -- we lost 29 birds in two days because of the heat ... and they would have been in a freezer in a couple days. Argh!

The gardens like the heat, but not without water. It is so dry!!

We can & do water, but that is just not the same as a good rain! God does everything so much better than we ever could!

That said, we're doing our best with what we have. Now we know, with 5 acres of gardens, we know we need to upgrade & automate some kind of watering system in order to continue gardening in these sandy hills of the Spruce Woods area.

That's a project for another year, one upgrade at a time.

We've been so-o-o-o thankful to have a tractor & good rototiller and antique potato planter & digger (as well as a few other little pieces of equipment) for the 2011 garden season. The work has been much lighter with those added blessings.

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